Nannobubbles for Healthier Plant Growth
New technology now provides unprecedented water oxygenation.
Smart growers are now using this technology to make significant gains in plant health and business returns.
Nanobubbles are much more than just an aeration solution. They are a research backed, field- proven innovation now used by growers around the world to boost dissolved oxygen levels in plant root zones and to improve many other conditions that impact plant yield.
What is a Nanobubble?
Nano bubbles are bubbles that measure below 200 nanometers in diameter- roughly 2500 times smaller than a grain of salt. The most stable nanobubbles measure around 120 nanometers. Nanobubbles hover within a liquid instead of rising to the surface and popping as larger bubbles do. This makes nanobubbles constantly available for participation in physical, biological and chemical reactions.

If you irrigate like this:
Drip Irrigation Flood Benches Or Floors Deep Water Culture (DWC) NFT Gutters

Then you should think about adding these:
BioTherm Dissolved Oxygen Technologies
Dissolved Oxygen: The Missing Element in your Irrigation Water
Increase yield, root growth, prevent disease and increase nutrient uptake
Explore our Plug & Play Dissolved Oxygen Systems

Benefits of Dissolved Oxygen:
- Increased plant growth
- Faster rooting times
- Consistent O2 levels
- Faster crop turnover (1-2 wks less)
- Improved plant health •
- Reduced disease pressure
- Reduced disease risk
- Lower fertilizer usage
Benefits of BioTherm’s Dissolved Oxygen Systems:
- Ease of installation
- Scalable to any operation size