Easy to Start Hydroponic Farm Kit: TapKit

Your hydroponic farm delivered in a box. 

Designed for those who have never before farmed .


A complete hydroponic production system for commercial growing of fresh herbs and leafy green vegetables.


Small to medium size growers, micro-farmers, community/urban farming organizations and other institutions can easily and affordably enter the trending hydroponics market.


Perfect for churches to help feed the needy.

Ideal for schools to help teach the young.

Grow a wide variety of crops

Arugula, Basil, Beet Leaves, Bok-choy, Butter head lettuce,  Chives,  Coriandar, Lettuce, Orache, Red Amaranth, Red Basil, Thyme, Watercress


Watch the TapKit intro video.
Backyard Farming Video
TapKit in the Philippines
She was an accountant; he had a restaurant. They decided to change their life and ordered 2 units. Since 2020 they have been selling to nearby restaurants and homes.
This couple were physiotherapists. They decided to make a change and rented some land to start their dream .
This couple decided to have an active retirement. After 45 years in construction, they started a family hydroponic business, where they work with their grand children.
Oh Kan Kim was an accountant, working 12 hours a day. Tap Kit made him a farmer.
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