NUF™ filtration systems are an extremely cost effective solution for the recycling of drain and irrigation water in greenhouses and nurseries. The systems mechanically eliminate pathogens and parasites without altering the nutrient content of the water.

- Compact, fully automated water recycling systems in a “plug-and-play” mode.
- From 2 m3 to 100 m3/hr capacity.
- Low installation costs
- Low operating costs
- Tremendous savings in water and fertilizer costs
- Improves drastically the quality of irrigation water
Ideal For:
– Irrigation water recycling in greenhouses and nurseries
– Pathogens and fungi breakdown from feed water to crops
– Water recycling in fish farms
– Firewall barrier to parasites and pathogens on feed water

The NUF® systems removes all pathogens, parasites and fungi from the irrigation water in one single pass, thanks to the 0.03 µ absolute filtration rate of the NUF® membranes. Micronutrient and fertilizer concentrations remain unaltered and available to the plants. Water flows to the system at low pressure. The purification process takes place by simple mechanical exclusion on the membranes without the use of chemical, thermal or biological treatment. 98% of the irrigation water and fertilizers are recycled, while the pollutants are expelled during periodical backwashes.