Viemose: Moving Gutter Systems

What is a Moving Gutter System? 

Moving Gutter Systems, also known as mobile or dynamic gutter systems enable the horizontal movement of plant beds or troughs along a gutter or rail, facilitating dynamic reconfigurations of the cultivation area layout. 

Our Moving Gutter Systems maximize greenhouse space utilization due to its design and complex automation. Through the flexible adjustment of gutter positions, cultivators can efficiently organize crop layouts, effectively utilizing available space. 

The savings in space, water consumption and labour costs are measurable and significant

The Benefits of Our Moving Gutter System

  • Optimized Space. By adjusting the position of the gutters, growers can effectively manage the layout of crops, ensuring an efficient use of available space. This feature is particularly valuable in situations where space is limited, allowing for increased crop density without compromising on accessibility for maintenance or harvesting. 
  • Better Control over Environmental Factors. Growers can reposition the gutters to capitalize on sunlight exposure throughout the day, enhancing the overall photosynthetic efficiency of plants. Additionally, by moving gutters, it becomes easier to manage temperature differentials within a greenhouse, ensuring that crops receive the ideal climatic conditions for growth. 
  • Efficient Water Management. By adjusting the slope and orientation of the gutters, growers can control the drainage of water, preventing waterlogging and optimizing irrigation. This conserves water and minimizes the risk of diseases associated with excess moisture.
  • Most optimal space utilization in the market
  • Huge reduction of water and fertilizer usages (recirculating the irrigation water)
  • Possibilities to reduce labor and even take out all the labor in the greenhouse (leaving the complete area for growing)
  • Year-round high quality predictable yield
  • Possibility to grow without the use of chemical crop protection
  • High quality system with a 10 year warranty (only one in the market).

How does Viemose DGS optimize the benefits of our Moving Gutter System? 

  • Improved Access for Maintenance: The mobility of the gutter systems facilitates easier access for maintenance tasks such as pruning, harvesting, and pest control. Growers can adjust the system to create temporary walkways or open spaces for better accessibility to individual plants. 
  • Precision Agriculture: Our Moving Gutter Systems are integrated with advanced sensor technologies and automation. This allows for precise control over environmental factors, including light intensity, temperature, and humidity. The integration of precision agriculture techniques enhances overall crop quality and resource efficiency.
  • Energy Efficiency: Our system can be designed to move plants closer to natural light sources or artificial lighting fixtures. By optimizing the exposure of plants to light, energy consumption can be reduced, making the vertical farming operation more energy efficient. 
  • Increased Crop Density: The dynamic nature of our Moving Gutter System allows for higher crop density compared to traditional farming methods. This increased density, combined with precise control over growing conditions, contributes to higher productivity within a limited space. 
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